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Our Lady of Lourdes National School, Inchicore, Dublin

News - 2nd class

20th Dec 2024
We have had so much fun in 2nd class this December. From earning all of our marbles and having a pyjama party, decorating our Christmas door and having a disco it has been very exciting! We hope everyone has a great Christmas!!
10th Dec 2024
We have had a very busy first term in 2nd class. We got to take part in Creativity in the Classroom! Using clay the class designed all different animals and created a zoo enclosure. They also used different drawing tools to create fabulous pictures. As part of Creativity in the Classroom we also got invited over to Goldenbridge Cemetery for an art exhibition, and we had great fun!
For Science week we engaged in different experiments. The first one was to create a bridge that wouldn't collapse holding a copy book and the second one was making a parachute for an egg. The excitement in the classroom while participating in these experiments was electric!