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Our Lady of Lourdes National School, Inchicore, Dublin


24th Feb 2025
Literacy week is taking place this week. We decided on a theme of Myths and Legends, with classes doing stories from Aesop's fables, Irish,Greek and Norse mythology. 
We have a storyteller,Aideen McBride, visiting Tuesday, some classes are visiting the library, 6th will read with infant classes, we will have a literacy quiz and also an assembly on Friday where children will do some storytelling of their own .
We hope everyone will enjoy exploring myths and legends and we look forward to hearing and seeing their stories come to life at Assembly.
24th Feb 2025

Senior infants were absolutely delighted to be announced as winners of the Christmas Door Competition in December. The class won a day to trip out to Spraoi in January and thoroughly enjoyed their visit! The pictures below capture all the fun and excitement of the day!