Access Keys:

Our Lady of Lourdes National School, Inchicore, Dublin


16th Oct 2024
We've had a very busy few weeks in senior infants. Last week we visited the library in Richmond Barracks where we got to pick some books. Each child also received a lovely pack from the library.
We have also been very busy this week as it's maths week and we are learning all about 3D shapes. We made some shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows. 
Finally, after working very hard all week, our Clever Clogs table won table of the week and were delighted with their certificates. 
1st Oct 2024
At the end of each month we celebrate the Irish language in our assembly. 
Each class practice a set number of phrases (frasaí) each month and learn a song to perform at assembly.
Here is an example of some of the lovely songs the paistí have been learning.