Home School Community Liaison (HSCL)

Our HSCL Co-ordinator is Roz O’Keeffe.
The HSCL co-ordinator meets parents throughout the year both in school and when out doing home visits. She aims to support parents in any way that is needed as you are the primary educators of your children.
Through HSCL our school aims to promote engagement between the home, school and agencies in the community in promoting the educational interests of the children. The HSCL attends local agency meetings and also links in with the other HSCL co-ordinators in the other Primary and Secondary schools in Inchicore to promote active co-operation between all schools.
It is important to our school that we have strong relationships with our parents. We endeavour to strengthen the family link with our school through activities organised by our HSCL teacher. For example, classes for parents such as Healthy Made Easy, Zumba / Pilates, Craft and Maths 4 Fun & Creativity in the classrooms.
If you are interested in any of the above you can contact Roz via text, call or whatsapp on
087 3309338 or by email at r.okeeffe@ourladyoflourdesns.ie
Our Lady of Lourdes National School, 1-39, St Vincent St W, Inchicore, Dublin, D08 AY94 | Phone: 01 4541265